The Skin Sanctuary @ Cheshire Makeup

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

One of the final images from the 'Harajuko Girls' shoot for Chimp magazine!

What do you think??
This was so fun to shoot, loads of colour, avante garde styling and hair, makeup was really creative... first time using lip tattoos as well.

Jennifer and I used Pink Polka from the Violent Lips collection. At first we thought they were going to be quite difficult to use as they have to be cut to fit each set of lips... but once we'd actually applied them, the results were so worth the effort!

Below is another of my favs, a close up of one our amaze models... enjoy :)


New times for Cheshire Makeup!

Well, its that time again.. new year, new start! And what a start its been!

As well as makeup and eyelash extensions, I'm now doing... dah dah dah!!!!

* DermaPure Pure Roller Treatments
* Skin Resurfacers
* DermaQuest Skincare

I'm going to write individal blogs on each treatment so you can see exactly what and who they're for, but just know this... these treatments get results.. amazing results so they are a must to try!

I will also be updating on makeup trends, looks and showing you my brand new spandangally shoot that I've just done for Chimp Magazine - Harajuko Girls.

Catch you all soon :) xx